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Assignment 1:

Digital Camera...What is it and How does it work?


A. Read the following link and write 25 sentences reviewing what you learned about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and camera modes. As your first blogpost, copy and paste in your sentences from a word document 

B. Play around with the camera simulator and learn how to use the camera controls. Then practice with the camera in the classroom.

Assignment 3:  

Scavenger hunt 



Assignment 2: 1-2 weeks long

Talk Like A photgrapher

Assignment 4: Creating a mood

Assignment 5:

Image Manipulation

Assignment 6:

The Incredible Selfie

Want to learn more about photo manipulation? click the button below

Assigment 7:

The Selfie Project

Assignment 8: Color Scheme Selfies

Assignment 9: Selfie Like a Pro

Assignment 10: Art and Science

Photos with Intent

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